she dreamed the same dream night after night~We are an orchestra of one, we are a majesty unveiling, we are newly born lovers, christening one another with mouths and hands and seeking tongues. We are everything and nothing~ Night is falling. night is falling. and I am drowning. in your arms. I am safe again. I am safe again. You surface me, and cling to me, night is falling and I am in my place again. above you, beneath you, wherever it pleases you so... oh my love, I am home again. My heart has been reborn again. the night is falling. and so am I . Falling for you ( into you, above you, through you). night is falling. night is falling. and so am i. so am i. always for you. for you.


~random vintage wendchymes~

prayerful of dreams - 2008-06-28
preschool princess - 2008-06-16
life with my sweetheart - 2008-04-29
the fast approach of four - 2008-04-12
lighting up my own life - 2008-03-08

2004-06-05 - 8:19 p.m.

when I hold you, I feel the powerful joyfullness of a single moment. You, so clearly born of my heart and body, I love you with the purity and ache of all my ordinariness. We are the same. mother and child. just like the millions before. just like the billions to come. on my sweet little infinity. you lace me to the stars,send me to the moon and back with the curve of your smile spreading like melting honey across your milky face.

little girl, with the bright pink bow in your hair.

i am your mommy.

little girl, with the beauty of gathered lilies

i am your mommy

little girl, with the shininggreen behind the slateblue behind the tigerbrown in your eyes

i am your mommy

little girl with the one curl sweep of chinadoll hair,

i am your mommy

little girl, with your perfect mouth like sugared gumdrops,

I am your mommy

little girl, growing faster than my heart can catch up

i am your mommy

little girl,

stay little

little girl

stay in my arms.

little girl

just stay.

my little girl

for always.

old starlight - new starbright

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chasing dreams

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