she dreamed the same dream night after night~We are an orchestra of one, we are a majesty unveiling, we are newly born lovers, christening one another with mouths and hands and seeking tongues. We are everything and nothing~ Night is falling. night is falling. and I am drowning. in your arms. I am safe again. I am safe again. You surface me, and cling to me, night is falling and I am in my place again. above you, beneath you, wherever it pleases you so... oh my love, I am home again. My heart has been reborn again. the night is falling. and so am I . Falling for you ( into you, above you, through you). night is falling. night is falling. and so am i. so am i. always for you. for you.


~random vintage wendchymes~

prayerful of dreams - 2008-06-28
preschool princess - 2008-06-16
life with my sweetheart - 2008-04-29
the fast approach of four - 2008-04-12
lighting up my own life - 2008-03-08

2004-05-29 - 9:52 p.m.

I never wanted to be tangled up in all these thoughts about how much i miss you, but everything reminds me of you. The baby literally sleeps in the curve of my arm all night, she is like a new lover... and always wants to be touched and held and stroked and caressed. In these moonlit hours of gnawing silence, as I nurse the baby back into dreamland, I think about you.

I think about your strong masculine shoulders. I think about being wrapped in the chiseled curve of your arms, and in these weak fleeting moments, I yearn to be your baby again. But to do so, would undo the joy that was born into my life.She is everything,she is my infinite bloom of bliss and perfection

my life changed drastically in the instant of circumstance and fate.

I am a grown up now.

or so I am told.

I never put the baby down.

I kiss her all the time. She opens her mouth like a guppy, when she sees my mouth approaching hers,

I hold onto her. because I am afraid of letting go, for one single moment.


before. she came into my world

Everything I ever loved. always fled.

now. love sleeps beside me.

love smells like babyshampoo.

love coos in it's sleep.

love is everything,

love is finally mine.

so, why is it that I still miss your consuming kiss, the sweetest sin that a lonelyhearted bluestarless girl ever tasted.

old starlight - new starbright

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